During Ramadan, I had the chance to catch some breath amidst this boisterous world that we have come to live in and contemplate on some of the replies that I have received in numerous forums concerning the apology to Korea. From warm appreciations to indirect accusations of being a Korean undercover agent, the responses were numerous. I thought of selling my Korean-made car so that it might not be considered a bribe from the Korean embassy which I haven't had the honour of visiting it because the last time my eyes caught sight of the Korean flag was during the 2002 World Cup.
The message I wanted to send via the apology was that there are voices in the Muslim world that consider what Taliban did a crime. I failed to find any line, any sentence, any dictum in Islamic jurisprudence that allows the murder of missonaries. But then the way in which Taliban chose to end the whole hostage situation clearly proved, without doubt, that their intentions were not wholly holy and for the sake of Islam.
To those who said that nobody apologises when Muslims are killed everywhere, I reply by a single sentence from one of Anthony Quinn's best movies "Omar El-Mokhtar" (the famous Libyan revolutionist): "They are not a role model for us."
And as for the anonymous person who left a comment here and called me Doctor "Battil" which for those who do not speak Arabic means "false or fake", the prominent Muslim scholar Imam El-Shafie once said: "Whenever I entered a debate, I asked God to show the Truth by my adversary's hands so that I would follow it."
I seek the Truth and on whosoever's side it is, I shall follow it.
Oh so the moron finally speaks again? And what now Dr. Battil poor you looking for sympathy because the responses have been negative? Lets all hold hands and shed tears for the fake Doctor shall we?
Go cry on someone elses shoulder.
And how come you never responded to the rest of the reply in regards to your evident Arab Nationalist obsession? That is plain to see in this Blog- is Asabiyyah from Islaam oh brother of Korean Christians? What is it with you and your love of Arabs regardless if they are Muslim or not or even steeped in jahiliyyah?
A clown calls himself a Doctor, spreads some Arab patriotism, makes some remarks about Islaam and Ramadhan here and there then thinks himself a spokesman for the deen.
Oh and no comment on the link provided too? Here it is again: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdnzjCgAhSs Thats right these are your Korean Christian brothers brain-washing Muslims whilst your making Arab secularist trash posts and blogging.
Go apologise for that.
To the anonymous person, Islam has taught us the manners of decent conversation and the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings of Allah Be Upon him) in numerous occasions has set the highest examples; occasions I am sure you are very well aware of. So, please remember them when you post your comments or when you disagree with anyone. Insulting those you disagree with does not strengthen your position but rather weakens it. And please remember that you are commenting on MY blog and I can not allow this level of dialogue here. I advise you to read the comments that others have posted here especially those of Randall Jones and you will clearly see that we might not agree on everything yet there is respect between us. Add to that that you and I are both Muslims. I wonder how your replies might have been if I was a non-Muslim !!
After making that clear and replying to your comment, if you would had scrolled through my posts, you would have understood that my so-called "evident Arab National obsessesion" is only a comment on a book written by Dr.Jack Shaheen called "Reel Bad Arabs: How Hollywood Vilifies A People". I wanted to highlight a few "real good Arabs" and so I started this series of articles. And to prove that, I started with a non-Muslim character viz. Dr.Magdy Yaqoub who, by all means and these are not my words, the number one reference in heart transplant surgery in the world. And the list goes on. By God's Will, I am intending to write about prominent non-Arab Muslims like Mahatir Mohammed and scientists of the Golden Age of Islam.
I am no "spokesman of the deen". I've said it before and I'll say it again. I do not claim that I possess the Truth, I am only looking for it.
And concerning that link you provided about Korean missionaries in Afghanistan, the video has the scent of being non-authentic and presumably doctored. Why do I say so? For the following reasons:
1- The tape shows a bunch of children (whom I'll agree with you look Afghani) in a chorus, singing and clapping. Where , therefore, is the Korean missionary who is presumably leading them? She does not appear even once in that tape.
2- The line "Jesus saved us" is repeated several times and the voices in the background (female and children chorus) are saying a different sentence every time.
3- I do not know if you have had any personal contact with Korean or Afghanis but I have and I can clearly say that the female is speaking Korean. So, is she teaching AFGHANI children KOREAN chanting?
4- The video was definetly captured by a mobile phone camera and that explains why the words and the mouth movements are not always synchronous.
Therefore, what do I make of all this? I believe that this is an audio recording from a Korean christian school or church added over a video from an Afghani nurseryschool. And if I had the sufficient time and technology, (which, concerning the latter by the way, is not very sophiscated. All you need is a program that removes subtitles and any version of Windows Movie Maker and your very own PC) and I can make this look like a bunch of children, after prayer, singing Islamic songs.
So please do not believe everything you see on the Internet. Next thing, you'll be trying to convince me that Osama Bin Laden and Ayman El- Zawahiry are actually in some Afghani or Pakistani cave making vidoes for Al-Jazeera !!
as salaam alaikum,
i think what dr.deen has posted was for us to appreciate their(arabs) work rather than his work. So what if he chose Arabs and tried to justify their position mayb next time he choses another set of people, will you then call him a hypocrite?
if a muslim is even slightly brain-washed by it then it just shows how weak his/her iman really is.At the end its all the matter of having the "right perspective" and how you think is how you act.
i appreciate dr.deen as his posts displays one true characteristic of a muslim i.e. standing up for a "just cause" even if its for a non-muslim or an enemy of the muslim. this brings harmony and peace among people which is beloved to Allah-swt.
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