Friday, August 03, 2007

Apologising To Korea...

I think I have to temporarily interrupt the series of articles I have started. I could not stop myself from briefly commenting on the current situation.
We owe these people an apology. We, as Muslims, owe the Koreans an apology for the murder of the hostages in Afghanistan. This has nothing to do with Islam. The kidnappers are a fanatic group who would have commited the same atrocities had they been members of any other religion.
Added to that, I am disgusted at the doubtful silence of the Arab nations. What Taliban has commited has insulted Muslims more than any Danish cartoonist has ever done. When will we wake up to the true essence of our wonderful religion.
The Holy Quran, Chapter 60, Verses 8 and 9
[8] Allah forbids you not, with regard to those who fight you not for (your) Faith nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them: for Allah loveth those who are just.
[9] Allah only forbids you, with regard to those who fight you for (your) Faith, and drive you out, of your homes, and support (others) in driving you out, from turning to them (for friendship and protection). It is such as turn to them (in these circumstances), that do wrong.


RandallJones said...

Doctor Deen,

Why should Muslims and Arabs apologize for what the Taliban is doing?

Did these Koreans speak up when the United States had recruited and trained Muslim extremists to fight its proxy war against the Russians?

When the Russians were defeated this contributed to the collapse of the Soviet Union. THe United States became the number one super power in the world. In the meanwhile, Afghanistan was left in ruins and millons were killed.

قسما سأنتصر said...

بص يابن الناس
شكلك ابن حلال
انا يمكن اول مره ادخل المدونه دى وده يشرفنى طبعا واعتذر انى اكتب الرد بالعربى على الرغم من ان المدونه بالعنجليزى
بس ربنا معاك لنك بتصحح صوره الاسلام صح زى ما الاسلام ما بيقول مش زى ما هما بيقولوا
للامام دائما
ولا تبالى بالتفاهات
ويشرفنى ان اضع مدونتك فى الفيفورت عندى
وكل عام وانتم بخير

Anonymous said...

Did I ever mention before the fact that you 'Doctor' Battil are an idiot?

No not just an ordinary moron but some weirdo who has some Arab Nationalist obsession.

Little boy sits at home and makes a rubbish Blog full of stupidity and thinks he is doing something for Islam.

And no apologies from me for this nor do I see why I should apologise for what my brothers do.

Go see: your Korean Christian brothers are brain washing Muslims whilst your making outstaning Arab secularist trash.

Anonymous said...

Salam Doctor Deen,

I don't mean to be insulting, but isn't the very nature of an apology really an admittance of guilt, and the feeling of remorse because of that guilt? I happen to believe that is what an apology truly is, and I can't see how or why Muslims should apologize for acts of terror committed by people in any walk of life, regardless of their claims to be Muslim. Doing so would be an admittance of guilt, and what are we guilty of? I cannot apologize for the actions of others, as I am not responsible for them. What I can apologize for is not playing a bigger hand in giving dawah and telling the truth about Islam, as that is a shared responsibility of all Muslims. I can apologize for not telling people the truth, but I cannot apologize for being involved in deceit, because I never played a hand in that. I hope that parallel makes sense.

Well this is just my own two cents, for whatever they are worth.

Allahu Alam.
Wasalamu Alaikum,
Your sister in Islam.